See Clearly
You have one vision plan option administered by MetLife that uses the VSP network and covers routine eye exams, lenses, frames and contacts. While the plan covers both in- and out-of-network services, you receive greater coverage if you use in-network providers.
what you pay for care
In Network
Out of Network
In Network
Vision Examination
One Exam per Participant per 12 Months
$15 copay
Standard Corrective Lenses, Single, Lined Bifocal, Lined Trifocal, Lenticular
Once per 12 Months
Covered in full
Once per 12 Months
100% up to $150, then 20% savings
Contact Lenses Instead of Eyeglass Lenses
Once per 12 Months
Contact fitting and evaluation: $60 copay
Elective lenses: $150 allowance
Out of Network
Vision Examination
One Exam per Participant per 12 Months
up to $45
Standard Corrective Lenses, Single, Lined Bifocal, Lined Trifocal, Lenticular
Once per 12 Months
$30 to $100
Once per 12 Months
up to $70
Contact Lenses Instead of Eyeglass Lenses
Once per 12 Months
up to $105
your cost per pay period
Deductions taken from the first two pay periods per month